Below is a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions.

  • How does the process work?

    We meet, assess the job and, if in agreement, sign the contract. From that point on, everything in the house is our responsibility. We will sort, set-up, display, price and conduct the sale.

  • Do we need to clean up or clear out before we hire you?

    No, you do not. In fact, we specifically ask that you do not throw anything away, unless you are 100% positive that it is garbage. You may be throwing away some of your profit. Nearly everything can be sold and many things can be repurposed. People will buy everything that is used in running a household. We do ask that personal paperwork, family photos and items the family is keeping be removed prior to set up.

  • How long does it take?

    It takes 5-10 days to completely set up for a weekend sale, longer if the home is extremely full and/or dirty.

  • Are there set-up fees?

    No, there are no upfront or setup fees. If there are dump or dumpster fees incurred during setup, these will be deducted from client’s net receipts. If client wants to take care of dump items as we set-up, that is okay

  • How do we get our money?

    You will receive a statement with a check after the sale is complete and all contractual obligations are met, usually within 7 days.

  • How do you advertise?

    Our list of 1000+ regular customers will receive an email notification. We advertise on several websites dedicated to estate sales, our website and Craig’s List. Board signs are strategically placed in the neighborhood.

  • How do you price?

    Estate sales are priced for the secondary market. In other words, you will not get retail for your items. We do not have a store and items are priced to sell. We will do our best to make the most amount of money for you, our client. Occasionally, items may be better suited for internet auction sales. These will take longer to complete, but the rewards are worth it.

  • What about the leftovers?

    We will advise and recommend about the leftovers. We work with several companies. Some items may be suitable for consignment. Most items would be for donation. We can arrange a pick up for you on the Monday after the sale. In most cases, your house will be empty by the end of the day. Client is responsible for clean-out.